Sarah Layton, Extension Program Assistant, SNAP-Ed
Cathy Lang, Extension Program Assistant, SNAP-Ed
Sally Shaw, Extension Office Assistant
How are Washington County programs delivered?
The delivery of SNAP-Ed educational programs at the county level is done by the Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS) Educator and by a SNAP-Ed Program Assistant. SNAP-Ed targets food stamp program participants; disseminates educational information through public service announcements, basic food and nutrition demonstrations, newsletters, fact sheets, and group educational sessions with displays; and uses curriculum materials selected for the audience's unique diversity.
How do I schedule a program? Contact us at (740) 376-7431.
Save Money on Your Grocery Bill:
Use Instant Nonfat Dry Milk. Use dry milk in pancakes, muffins, hot chocolate, milkshakes, soups, mashed potatoes, in cream sauce, or mix with water and chill for drinking!
Eat beans. An inexpensive, low-fat, nutritious food! Cook dried beans and make soup, refried beans, casseroles, sandwich spread, bean salad, bean dip, or beans and rice.
Rice! Use brown or white rice for hot cereal with milk and sugar, chicken and rice salad, or rice and vegetable stir-fry. Stretch meat loaf with rice or any other cooked grains.
See the What's Cooking? USDA Mixing Bowl for easy, quick, and inexpensive recipes.