The Ohio State University Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program provides intensive training in horticulture to interested Ohio residents, who then volunteer their time assisting with educational programs and activities for Ohio residents through their local OSU Extension county office. Volunteers are not required to have gardening skills or knowledge; but a passion for learning about gardening and sharing this knowledge with others is a must!

Working with county Extension personnel, Master Gardener Volunteers provide such educational services to their communities as: answering gardening questions from the public; conducting plant clinics; gardening activities with children, senior citizens, or disabled persons; beautifying the community; and developing community or demonstration gardens.

More information about state-level Master Gardener Volunteer programs and activities is available at

Washington County Master Gardener Program

Marcus McCartney, Extension Educator Agriculture and Natural Resources
Peggy Bolen, Extension Office Associate

  • OUR MISSION:  The Master Gardener Program provides knowledge to and develops the leadership abilities of volunteers who enable others to improve the quality of their lives by enhancing their home and community environments through horticulture education and activities.
  • OUR VISION: The Ohio State University Extension Master Gardener Program is a premier statewide network of volunteer education and leadership development; as well as a consumer horticulture education delivery system that maximizes human, material, and natural resources, and values teamwork and excellence in educational programming.
  • THE VOLUNTEER COMMITMENT: The Master Gardener training course requires a minimum 50 hours in instruction in plant science and 50 hours of volunteer experiences in the first year after training. To maintain Master Gardener status in Washington County, Master Gardener's need to volunteer 20 hours and obtain 6 hours in continuing education each year after.

How do I know if I would make a good Master Gardener Volunteer?

You could be a Master Gardener Volunteer if:

  • You want to learn more about plants and gardening.
  • You are eager to participate in a practical and intensive training program.
  • You enjoy sharing your knowledge with others.
  • You have the time to attend training and serve your community as a volunteer educator.

When is Master Gardener Volunteer training conducted in Washington County

The Master Gardener Program is offered through the county's OSU Extension office in Marietta. The training in 2023  will take place at the Extension Office, 1115 Gilman Avenue, Marietta from 9:00 am to 3 pm on scheduled Tuesdays starting Oct. 23 and ending Nov. 28. There will be one Thursday session on Oct. 26. Click here for complete class schedule. 

Click here for MG Volunteer packet with cover letter, class schedule, policy statement, position description, and application. For further information please contact Marcus McCartney at 740-376-7431 or The cost of the training is $125, and includes Master Gardener Volunteer manual, MGV T-Shirt after completing 50 volunteer hours, and all snacks during the training.