September 23, 2019 - 2:54pm --

Venison: Field to Table

Thursday, October 10, 2019, 6:00pm to 8:00pm

The Ohio State University Extension of Washington County, in partnership with Washington Soil & Water Conservation District is offering a venison processing workshop. Demonstrating field dressing and cutting the carcass will be Moore’s Processing with an assist from Dean Sinclair of Washington Soil & Water Conservation District. During the presentation, participants will learn how to properly skin, process, and prepare a deer. Food safety and handling procedures, as well as, venison preservation methods and recipes, will be presented by Ohio State University Extension Family and Consumer Science Educators: Amanda Bohlen from Washington County and Lesley Workman from Monroe County. The goal of the instructors is to equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to safely process their own deer and end up with a delicious, high quality product that they will be proud to share with family and friends. In addition, there will be a questions and answers session with local ODNR Wildlife Officer, Ryan Donnelly.

The cost of the program is FREE; however, registration is required to guarantee sufficient handouts and food samples for everyone. Pre-register by calling the Washington County OSU Extension Office at 740-376-7431.

Click here for a full page flyer.

Workshop Location:

Barlow Fairgrounds

Chicken Dinner Building

St. Rts. 339 & 550

Barlow, OH   45712

Contact Information:

Name: Amanda Bohlen

Phone: 740-376-7431



Name: Dean Sinclair

Phone: 740-373-4857


